Source code for textpp_ptbr.preprocessing

    Fernando Sola Pereira

import re
import os
import unicodedata

BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

[docs]class TextPreProcessing: """Collection of static methods used to perform common text cleanup tasks focused on portuguese language. This class use dictionaries and regular expressions to expose a set of features to help process Portuguese texts. """ __re_hour_pattern = re.compile(r'(^|\b)(\d)+(\s)*(h|hr|hrs|hs)($|\b)', re.IGNORECASE) __re_common_person_names = None __re_stopwords = None __re_reduced_or_contracted_words = None __re_numbers_in_full = None __re_pronouns = None __re_adverbs = None __re_remove_excessive_spaces = re.compile(' +') __re_numbers_with_symbols = re.compile(r'([\d]+)([./-])*([\d ])') __re_pure_numbers = re.compile(r'(^|\b)(\d+)(\b|$)') __re_urls = re.compile(r'[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\+.~#?&//=]{2,256}\.[a-z]{2,4}\b(\/[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\+.~#?&//=]*)?') @classmethod def __get_dicionary(cls, dict_name): path = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'dictionaries', dict_name) with open(path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as dictionary: return [p.replace('\n', '') for p in dictionary]
[docs] @classmethod def get_stopwords(cls): """Returns a list of brazilian portuguese stopwords. All stopwords were extracted from NLTK. """ return cls.__get_dicionary('stopwords.dic')
[docs] @classmethod def remove_hour(cls, text): """Remove hour patterns from texts. .. code-block:: In [ ]: from textpp_ptbr.preprocessing import TextPreProcessing as tpp ...: tpp.remove_hour('some text with 12h or another 13hs time explicit') Out[ ]: 'some text with or another time explicit' """ return cls.__re_hour_pattern.sub(' ', text)
[docs] @classmethod def remove_person_names(cls, text): """Remove common person names. All accents are removed before identify names. This method uses a dictionary with brazilian common names to build a regular expression that match common names. .. code-block:: In [ ]: from textpp_ptbr.preprocessing import TextPreProcessing as tpp ...: tpp.remove_person_names('Afirma o réu que seu funcionário Mário Tadeu dirigia o veículo na ocasião.') Out[ ]: 'Afirma o reu que seu funcionario dirigia o veiculo na ocasiao.' """ text = cls.remove_accents(text) if not cls.__re_common_person_names: dictionary = cls.__get_dicionary('common_person_names.dic') dictionary = [cls.remove_accents(p) for p in dictionary] cls.__re_common_person_names = re.compile(r'(^|\b)(' + r'|'.join(dictionary) + r')($|\b)') return cls.__re_common_person_names.sub(' ', text)
[docs] @classmethod def remove_pronouns(cls, text): """Remove pronouns. Method based on a dictionary. .. code-block:: In [ ]: from textpp_ptbr.preprocessing import TextPreProcessing as tpp ...: tpp.remove_pronouns('Ninguém sabe ao certo donde partiram os gritos.') Out[ ]: 'Ninguém sabe certo partiram os gritos.' """ if not cls.__re_pronouns: palavras = cls.__get_dicionary('pronouns.dic') cls.__re_pronouns = re.compile(r'(^|\b)(' + r'|'.join(palavras) + r')($|\b)', re.IGNORECASE) return cls.__re_pronouns.sub(' ', text)
[docs] @classmethod def remove_reduced_or_contracted_words(cls, text): """Remove reduced or crontracted words. Method based on a dictionary. .. code-block:: In [ ]: from textpp_ptbr.preprocessing import TextPreProcessing as tpp ...: tpp.remove_pronouns('Ninguém sabe ao certo donde partiram os gritos.') Out[ ]: 'Ninguém sabe certo partiram os gritos.' """ if not cls.__re_reduced_or_contracted_words: palavras = TextPreProcessing.__get_dicionary('contracted_words.dic') cls.__re_reduced_or_contracted_words = re.compile(r'(^|\b)(' + r'|'.join(palavras) + r')($|\b)') return cls.__re_reduced_or_contracted_words.sub(' ', text)
[docs] @classmethod def remove_adverbs(cls, text): """Remove reduced or crontracted words. Method based on a dictionary. .. code-block:: In [ ]: from textpp_ptbr.preprocessing import TextPreProcessing as tpp ...: tpp.remove_pronouns('Chegaram tarde para o Jantar. Era a moça mais bonita da festa. Partiram ontem apressadamente.') Out[ ]: 'Chegaram para o Jantar. Era a moça bonita da festa. Partiram .' """ if not cls.__re_adverbs: palavras = cls.__get_dicionary('adverbs.dic') cls.__re_adverbs = re.compile(r'(^|\b)(' + r'|'.join(palavras) + r')($|\b)') return cls.__re_adverbs.sub(' ', text)
@staticmethod def remove_special_characters(text): lista = '-#?º°ª.:/;~^`[{]}\\|!$%"\'&*()=+,><\t\r\n…' result = text for i in range(0, len(lista)): result = result.replace(lista[i], ' ') return result @classmethod def remove_excessive_spaces(cls, texto): if texto is None or len(texto.strip()) == 0: # return texto return re.sub(' +', ' ', texto) return cls.__re_remove_excessive_spaces.sub(' ', texto) @staticmethod def remove_accents(text): if text is None or len(text.strip()) == 0: return text result = text result = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', result).encode( 'ASCII', 'ignore').decode('ASCII') return result @classmethod def remove_symbols_from_numbers(cls, text): resultado = text resultado = cls.__re_numbers_with_symbols.sub(r'\1\3', resultado) return resultado @classmethod def remove_numbers(cls, text): return cls.__re_pure_numbers.sub(r' ', text) @classmethod def remove_numbers_in_full(cls, text): if not TextPreProcessing.__re_numbers_in_full: palavras = cls.__get_dicionary('numbers_in_full.dic') cls.__re_numbers_in_full = re.compile(r'(^|\b)(' + r'|'.join(palavras) + r')($|\b)') return cls.__re_numbers_in_full.sub(' ', text) @classmethod def remove_urls(cls, text): resultado = text resultado = cls.__re_urls.sub(r' ', resultado) return resultado @classmethod def remove_stopwords(cls, texto): if not cls.__re_stopwords: stopwords = cls.get_stopwords() cls.__re_stopwords = re.compile(r'(^|\b)(' + r'|'.join(stopwords) + r')($|\b)') return cls.__re_stopwords.sub(' ', texto)